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English Communication

English Language Standards in Higher Education suggest that all graduates should be operating at professional levels of English language competence. English language Competence is central to academic success in Higher education and to the success of professors and graduates in the workplace. English Language Competence is vital in the present time as all technological information is accessible today in the English language compared to other languages. It is a responsibility of Higher education Institutions to develop English language competence of students. Institutions of Higher Education require continuous and systematic development of English language proficiency for the effectiveness of higher education. The institutions must support the English language development of students with a non-English language speaking background to ensure that they graduate with the English language skills required for society and the workplace.

To meet this challenge, beehive, an Institution's Innovation Cell of GL Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura has designed a course "Communication and English Language Skills" to develop English Language Proficiency of faculty members, staff and students. The curriculum is divided into five modules followed by a Post Training Quiz:

  • Module I: Public Speaking
  • Module II: Concept of English Language
  • Module III: Communication Skills
  • Module IV: Pronunciation
  • Module V: Advance Learning & Soft Skills
Sample Certificate - English Communication | beehive, GL BAJAJ, Mathura